A Study of CNTY-101 in Participants with Refractory B Cell-mediated Autoimmune Diseases (CALiPSO-1) (CALiPSO-1)
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT06255028
Sponsor: Century Therapeutics, Inc.
CALiPSO-1 is a Phase 1, multi-centre, dose-confirmation study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CNTY-101 in participants with refractory B cell-mediated autoimmune diseases including those with moderate to severe systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)/ lupus nephritis (LN), idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM), and diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (DcSSc).
Participating Sites:
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90033 (Recruiting)
Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California
Contact: Sara Madrigal at: 323-409-4349 smadriga@usc.edu
-Sacramento, California, United States, 957817 UC Davis (Not yet recruiting)
Contact: Elizabeth Robison at: 916-734-8101 eerobison@ucdavis.edu
KYSA-5: A Phase 1/2, Open-Label, Multicentre Study of KYV 101, an Autologous Fully Human Anti-CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell (CD19 CAR T) Therapy, in Subjects with Systemic Sclerosis
Sponsor: Kyverna Therapeutics
SSc is an immune-mediated rheumatic disease that is characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs and vasculopathy. B-cells play a role in SSc, and the disease is characterized by the presence of autoantibodies such as anti-Scl-70 and anti-RNAP III antibodies. CD19-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cells harness the ability of cytotoxic T-cells to directly and specifically lyse target cells to effectively deplete B-cells in the circulation and in lymphoid and potentially non-lymphoid tissues. KYV-101, a fully human anti-CD19 CAR T-cell therapy, will be investigated in adult subjects with systemic sclerosis.
Study Contact: Kyverna Therapeutics, Inc.
Phone Number: 510-925-2484
Email: Clinicaltrials@kyvernatx.com
Participating Site:
Stanford University Medical Center
Dr. Lorinda Chung
A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Belimumab in Adults With Systemic Sclerosis Associated Interstitial Lung Disease (BLISSc-ILD)
Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline
This study investigates the efficacy and safety of belimumab compared to placebo, in addition to standard therapy, for the treatment of participants with systemic sclerosis associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD). The study will evaluate the effect of belimumab treatment on lung function as well as on extra-pulmonary disease manifestations, including skin thickening and general symptoms, such as fatigue, that impact quality of life (QoL).
Participating Sites:
Contact: US GSK Clinical Trials Call Center 877-379-3718 GSKClinicalSupportHD@gsk.com
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90045
Principal Investigator: Daniel Furst
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90095
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Volkmann
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90095
Principal Investigator: Suzanne Kafaja
-Upland, California, United States, 91786
Principal Investigator: Ebrahim Sadeghi-Najafabadi
-Phoenix, Arizona, United States, 85027
Principal Investigator: Da-Wei Liao
-Scottsdale, Arizona, United States, 85258
Principal Investigator: Richard Sue
-Scottsdale, Arizona, United States, 85259
Principal Investigator: Vivek Nagaraja
-Tucson, Arizona, United States, 85724
Principal Investigator: Sachin Chaudhary
Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Efzofitimod in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis (SSc)-Related Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) (SSc-ILD) Sponsor: aTyr Pharma, Inc.
We are testing whether an investigational drug, called efzofitimod, can improve (or be an effective form of treatment for) the skin and lung effects caused by systemic sclerosis-related interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD)This is a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, PoC study to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of efzofitimod in patients with SSc-ILD.
The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the PoC for efficacy in a population with SSc-ILD. While improvement of ILD is the outcome of interest, the study will also evaluate changes in the skin. After initial screening (up to 4 weeks), approximately 25 eligible participants will be randomized 2:2:1 to 1 of 2 active (experimental) dose arms or placebo, administered every 4 weeks up to and including Week 20.
What will be involved? Throughout the study, you will:
• Attend a total of 9 visits to the study center
• Complete questionnaires to let us know how you are feeling
• Undergo monthly clinic visits where you will have physical exams, lung function tests, skin biopsies (only one at the beginning of the study and then at 3 months) and blood tests during these visits.
There will be no charge for any study-related treatment or procedures. Travel reimbursement for attending study visits will be provided. Please contact the study team for more information
Participating Sites:
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90024
Contact 877-689-4494 SScILD@cssienroll.com
-San Diego, California, United States, 92093
Contact 877-689-4494 SScILD@cssienroll.com
Phase 2 Safety and Efficacy Study of Tulisokibart (MK-7240/PRA023) in Subjects With Systemic Sclerosis Associated With Interstitial Lung Disease (SSc-ILD) (MK-7240-007) (ATHENA-SSc-ILD)
Sponsor: Prometheus Biosciences, Inc., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. (Rahway, New Jersey USA)
PRA023 has previously been given to healthy adults and adults with inflammatory bowel disease. However, this is the first study of PRA023 in patients with Systemic Sclerosis and Interstitial Lung Disease. The study seeks to understand whether PRA023 can slow or halt disease in the lungs and improve quality of life. The study will also examine the potential benefit for skin involvement and overall Systemic Sclerosis disease severity. Key study requirements are: • Adult patients 18 years of age or older • Diagnosis of the diffuse form of scleroderma within 5 years • Interstitial lung disease, a common form of lung disease associated with inflammation and scarring • Patients who complete the study are offered access to continued treatment For More Information, This Trial is Posted on the Following Public Website: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05270668
Prometheus Biosciences Selected Participating Sites:
Contact: Prometheus Biosciences Call Center at 855-422-4300
Arizona Location:
-Mayo Clinic - Scottsdale, Arizona
Contact: Study Coordinator at 480-301-8368
California Locations:
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90045
Pacific Arthritis Care Center
Contact: Study Coordinator at: 310-297-6812
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90048
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Contact: Study Coordinator at: 415-502-3475
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90095-1670
UCLA School of Medicine
Contact: Study Coordinator at: 310-825-2448
-Palo Alto, California, United States, 94304
Stanford Health Care
Contact Study Coordinator at: 650-723-6961
A Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Vixarelimab in Participants With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and in Participants With Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease. Sponsor: Genentech, Inc.
The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of vixarelimab compared with placebo on lung function in participants with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and in participants with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD). Participants who complete 52-weeks of treatment in the Double-blind Treatment (DBT) period can choose to enroll in the optional Open-label Extension (OLE) period to receive treatment with vixarelimab for another 52 weeks.
Participating Sites: (Contact: Reference Study ID Number: GB44496 https://forpatients.roche.com/ 888-662-6728 (U.S. Only) global-roche-genentech-trials@gene.com)
Arizona Locations:
-Southern Arizona VA Health Care System NAVREF PPDS
California Locations:
-Fresno, California, United States, 93701-2302
University of California, San Francisco-Fresno
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90033-1036
University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90095-8344
UCLA Rheumatology
-San Francisco, California, United States, 94143-2204
University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
Oral Ifetroban to Treat Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) or SSc-associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Sponsor: Cumberland Pharmaceuticals
The purpose of this phase 2 multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, study is to assess the safety and efficacy of ifetroban in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic SSc (dcSSc) or SSc-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (SSc-PAH).
This study is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase 2 trial of patients with dcSSc or SSc-PAH. Twenty participants with SSc-PAH and 14 participants with dcSSc will be randomized to receive either oral ifetroban daily or matching placebo. Study participants will be treated for 12 months, followed by a 30-day follow-up period. The study will test whether ifetroban is safe and statistically superior to placebo in reducing the effects of their disease at month 12 and explore the ability of ifetroban to prevent or reverse progression in patients with early disease duration and reverse established disease in patients with longer disease duration.
Participating Sites:
-UCLA Los Angeles, California, United States, 90095-1670
Contact: Nashla Barroso: 310-825-9682
Principal Investigator: Suzanne Kafaja, MD
Determine Effectiveness of Anifrolumab In SYstemic Sclerosis (DAISY) Sponsor: AstraZeneca
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatment with subcutaneous anifrolumab versus placebo in adult participants with systemic sclerosis. The target population for this study includes patients who meet the 2013 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism (ACR/EULAR) classification for systemic sclerosis, either limited or diffuse cutaneous subsets, with a disease duration of less than 6 years from first non-Raynaud's phenomenon symptom.
(Open Label Treatment Period: At Week 52, all participants will be given anifrolumab 120 mg (subcutaneous) once weekly for 52 weeks (last dose at Week 103). Participation will involve in-clinic study visits at Weeks 52, 56, 64, 76. 88 and 104.)
Safety Follow-up Period: All participants will return to the clinic for a 12-week post treatment visit. This will occur post Double Blind Treatment Period (Week 52 or Double Blind Period early discontinuation) or post Open Label Treatment Period (Week 104 or Open Label Period early discontinuation).
Contact: AstraZeneca Clinical Study Information Center
Phone Number: 1-877-240-9479
Email: information.center@astrazeneca.com
Participating Sites:
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90045
-Los Angeles, California, United States, 90095
-Orange, California, United States, 92868
-San Diego, California, United States, 9210
A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of BMS-986278 in Participants With Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis. Sponsor: Bristol-Myers Squibb
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of BMS-986278 in Participants with Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Participating Sites:
Arizona Locations
-St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
Contact: Rajat Walia, Site 0314
California Locations
-Scripps Clinic Torrey Pines
Contact: Jacqueline Chang, Site 0336 at: 858-824-5404
-University of Southern California (USC) - Keck School of Medicine (KSOM) - Transplant Clinic
Contact: Toby Maher, Site 0212 at: 323-865-9854
-David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Contact: John Belperio, Site 0019 at: 310-968-6324
-Orange, California, United States, 92868-3201
UC Irvine Medical Center
Contact: Huawei Dong, Site 0366 at: 714-456-6776
-Sacramento, California, United States, 95817
University of California UC Davis Medical Center
Contact: Timothy Albertson, Site 0341 at: 916-734-3650
-San Francisco, California, United States, 94143-2202
University of California, San Francisco Medical Center- Pulmonary Practice
Contact: Jeffrey Golden, Site 0015 at: 415-353-2060
-Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Contact: Rishi Raj, Site 0352 at: 650-725-8083
TBI Using IMRT and Cyclophosphamide Prior to Stem Cell Transplant for the Treatment of Severe Systemic Sclerosis
This early phase I trial studies the side effects and feasibility of total body irradiation using intensity modulation radiation therapy (IMRT) when given in combination with cyclophosphamide prior to stem cell transplant to treat severe systemic sclerosis. IMRT delivers total body radiation therapy more precisely and may reduce radiation exposure to sensitive normal organs. Giving chemotherapy, such as cyclophosphamide, and total body irradiation before a donor stem cell transplant helps kill cancer cells in the body and helps make room in the bone marrow for new blood-forming cells (stem cells) to grow. Giving IMRT and cyclophosphamide prior to stem cell transplant may work better in treating severe systemic sclerosis and reduce radiation doses to lung and kidneys compared to cyclophosphamide alone.
Patients undergo TBI using IMRT twice daily (BID) on days -5 and -4 in the absence of disease progression or disease progression. Patients then receive cyclophosphamide on days -3 and -2 and undergo HSCT on day 0 in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. After completion of study treatment, patients are followed up on days 30 and 100.
Contact: City of Hope Medical Center
Duarte, California, United States, 91010
Contact: Jeffrey Y. Wong 626-218-2247 jwong@coh.org
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Y. Wong
For a more comprehensive list of clinical trials go to: clinicaltrials.gov
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